The 15 Cryptocurrency Exchanges In India That Are Bringing Bitcoin & Ethereum To Mainstream

The 15 Cryptocurrency Exchanges In India That Are Bringing Bitcoin & Ethereum To Mainstream


Zebpay, Unocoin Leads The Cryptocurrency Exchanges Tally; Bitcoin And Ethereum Are The Most Famous

With its price surging exponentially, Bitcoin’s comparison with Gold is outdated. Bitcoin is limited, so is ‘Margarita, the Benjamin’ with a composition of a special Cuvee of Grand Marnier, finished with Louis XIII Cognac. As demand is catching up, the nine-year-old Bitcoin is already priced on par with 42-year-aged Glenfiddich single malt scotch, and will perhaps surpass a bottle of 50-year-aged scotch too, which is trading at $32K at the whiskey exchanges across the world. However, in India, like whiskey exchanges that are few and far between (trading aged single malt scotch), there are limited cryptocurrency exchanges that are reliable, regulated and that enable trading in Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies.

In India, as the Bitcoin fever is catching up with over 2,500 users trading Bitcoin daily and the trading volume rising close to $20 Bn a year, cryptocurrency exchanges are mushrooming with each passing day.!function(e,t,s,i){var n="InfogramEmbeds",o=e.getElementsByTagName("script"),d=o[0],r=/^http:/.test(e.location)?"http:":"https:";if(/^\/{2}/.test(i)&&(i=r+i),window[n]&&window[n].initialized)window[n].process&&window[n].process();else if(!e.getElementById(s)){var a=e.createElement("script");a.async=1,,a.src=i,d.parentNode.insertBefore(a,d)}}(document,0,"infogram-async","");

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