Every business whether offline or online thrives on one major thing-their capacity to gain loyal customers. Where bigger brands have planned marketing strategies like loyalty programs, membership cards, discount cards, etc., smaller brick and mortar stores lack in both planning and resources. And it’s a universal fact that even with the most promising business idea would fail, if it fails to reach the targeted audience.The biggest pain point for small businesses is ‘Marketing’. To attract customers, they are connecting with portals like Zomato, Just Dial, etc. But then, getting repeat orders and retaining the existing customers is again a problem. What’s unique about our product is that it perfectly fits into the staff’s day to day process & business owners get value without even logging into our product,said Pranav.
The duo from VIT University, Pranav Ahuja and Ayushmaan Kapoor, tried to understand the problems faced by small offline businesses and came forward with Xeno, a tablet based marketing product. With Xeno, the New Delhi based team aims to provide a universal loyalty program for consumers. The ultimate idea is to give people complete freedom from carrying loyalty cards and allow customers to shop/avail services with the smaller nearby stores regularly and get advantages of a loyal customer.