The Indian Brand: A social commercial brand by GVK Scion

The Indian Brand: A social commercial brand by GVK Scion

GVK scion Keshav Reddy alongwith his friend Ishaan Dodhiwala last year launched a social enterprise namely The Indian Brand, an ecommerce startup. Though ecommerce is a tough market due to a number of players and yeah lack of funds, Keshav and Ishan are trying to make a difference in their own way.

The Idea

Keshav & Ishaan Dodhiwala wanted to build a social enterprise to promote the pride of being Indian amongst young Indians. The two came up with The Indian Brand with a concept of “One for me, One for you”.

The store which currently lists only Polos t-shirts each priced at Rs 999 delivers one under privileged Indian a polo whenever a customer makes a purchase.

As per Keshav, they will soon be adding up other products including T-shirts, bags and accessories as well.

Inc42: How many products are currently available? Are you maintaining any inventories?

Keshav: As a startup, we run on less inventory, but we have been able to understand the optimum amount to hold. But the good part with THE INDIAN Brand is that our sales have been strong, so we haven’t had problems of excess inventory at any time.

Inc42: Ever since it has come into existence, how is it performing? Can you share some numbers regarding sales, traffic etc.

Keshav: We have had large number of sales – surpassing our yearly estimate in merely 4 months. We are an ecommerce hybrid and we stock in stores and online which has been a game-changer for THE INDIAN Brand.

Inc42: How are you marketing for the same? How much you plan to spend on the marketing for this fiscal?

Keshav: We are promoting our brand in innovative marketing methods. We have promoted word-of-mouth promotion through giving THE INDIAN Bands, held contests on Instagram and using facebook to drive our customers to the website.

gvk reddyInc42: What are your views on “Entrepreneurship in twenties” challenges, benefits etc.

Keshav: Benefits are that it gives everyone an opportunity to start a business no matter where one is located and no matter how small the team purely driven by the efficiency of technology.

Challenges are merely opportunities in disguise. There are many opportunities in this time.

Inc42: What are the challenges that you are facing to run the store? Is running a social-commercial brand in India a good idea?

Keshav: We are possibly India’s first social-enterprise. The social-enterprise model needs to develop in India. Our motivation for growth is purely to support and grow the pride of being Indian. Although there are challenges with pricing, we are able to tackle the challenges well. I don’t believe we would have started THE INDIAN brand in any other format than a social-enterprise. Great idea.

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