A new era for the entrepreneur has already begun.

Each one of us wants to be their own boss and lot of ideas are floating day by day in our daily lives. Every Idea which we thought is ended up with a term called “LACK OF CAPITAL”.

We create a vast shopping list of all the things which we believe is must — an office, perfect website/app, a world-class design agency who can create our brand and much more. If our business idea proves unsuccessful then we’ll end up with a loss of huge amount of money.

Don’t worry, there’s a way to avoid many of the normal costs involved in starting a business. Below is the list of all the resources which I think you will find useful in running your own startup.

Stock photos: ShutterstockiStockDreamstime, Unsplash

Graphic designing: CanvaPiktochartBefunkyTheNounProject(for icons)

Manage social mediaHootsuiteBufferTweetDeckBuzzSumoScoop.it

Productivity tools: GoogleDriveDropBoxPocket

Design a website: WeeblyWixWordPress

Organisation: TrelloSlackAsanaEvernote

Analytics: Google Analytics

Attribution: Branch.io

CRM: MailChimpHubSpotReavampcrm

Blogging: MediumLinkedInQuora

Writing and editing content: GrammarlyWriteFullFeedly

Track social media profiles and emails: RapportiveClearbitSidekick(Acquired by HubSpot)Networking: Facebook GroupsLinkedIn Groups

Legal documentation: Docracy

Press coverage: Submit.co

Raising Capital: AngelListF6sIndianAngelNetwork

These are just a few tools that will help you in your entrepreneurial journey! All the best, founders!

[This post by Sahil Sharma first appeared on LinkedIn and has been reproduced with permission.]