Software Integration Startup UnifyApps Nets $11 Mn To Help Enterprises Streamline Ops

Software Integration Startup UnifyApps Nets $11 Mn To Help Enterprises Streamline Ops


The round was led by Elevation Capital, along with participation from the founders and angel investors

The startup aims to expand its platform to support over 5,000 applications, enhance the capabilities of generative AI, and develop agents powered by large language models

UnifyApps provides a unified integration platform that helps enterprises streamline their operations by enabling the creation of custom applications faster, automating complex workflows, and syncing data between applications in real-time

Software integration startup UnifyApps has raised $11 Mn (INR 91.5 Cr) in a seed funding round led by Elevation Capital, along with participation from a host of founders and angel investors.

The startup has raised funding to develop a unified integration platform that enables enterprises to create custom applications 10x faster, automate workflows, and sync data between applications in real time.

It aims to expand its platform to support over 5,000 applications, enhance the capabilities of generative AI, and develop agents powered by large language models.

Founded by Pavitar Singh, Sumeet Nandal, Abhishek Kurana, Rachit Mittal, Abhinav Singi, Rahul Anishetty, Kavish Manubolu and Shivam Satrawal, the company automates workflows and quickly connects various applications.

UnifyApps provides a unified integration platform that helps enterprises streamline their operations by enabling the creation of custom applications faster, automating complex workflows, and syncing data between applications in real-time. 

Additionally, it leverages advanced generative AI to develop specialised LLM-powered agents for optimised integrations.

UnifyApps’ platform assists client businesses in connecting and streamlining their various software tools, enabling companies to build their own apps much faster than usual.

Pavitar Singh, CEO of UnifyApps, said, “The rapid adoption of SaaS applications has led to building silos within the organisation with each team using their own set of tools which are not connected to the rest of the organisation. Our vision is to change this by making integration simple and accessible, enhancing experiences for both customers and employees”

As per the company, it offers solutions that deliver better return on investment and lower total cost of ownership for customers. Currently, it is targeting large enterprises globally. 

Looking ahead, the company plans to expand its platform to support over 5,000 applications and give organisations the flexibility to build their own custom integrations in less than a day. 

Meanwhile in the enterprise tech segment, Ramoji Group’s food manufacturing arm Ushodaya Enterprises announced an undisclosed “strategic” investment in Kochi-based cloud hosting solutions provider FlexiCloud Internet. 

As per a recent report by SPER market research, the India cloud computing market is predicted to reach $35.15 Bn by 2033 with a CAGR of 18.54%. 

It is pertinent to note that this market is largely dominated by tech giants such as Google and Amazon. Both players have been deepening their presence in the Indian market. For instance, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced to invest $12.7 Bn in the country by 2030. 

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Software Integration Startup UnifyApps Nets $11 Mn To Help Enterprises Streamline Ops-Inc42 Media
Software Integration Startup UnifyApps Nets $11 Mn To Help Enterprises Streamline Ops-Inc42 Media
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