Mumbai-based FundTonic, an angel network with over 700 angel investors has launched a coworking space in Andheri at MIDC.“Coworking has seen significant investor interest in the recent past. However, we believe, only offering co-working space doesn’t make a viable value proposition. As FundTonic, we are not just a work space but a holistic workplace with a network of active mentors and investors, conducting regular entrepreneurship development programmes, working with accelerators to fund early stage ventures along with events for networking. Only a true 360-degree approach can become a viable and scalable value proposition”.“Another important advantage of operating from a coworking space is the hassle-free experience of working in a clean, neat, and maintenance-free environment. Forget the worry of hunting for a housekeeping resource to keep the place in order or having to call the Internet operator for checking on the connection. All of the nuances are well taken care of. That helps a fledgeling business thrive.”
The coworking space has been built in a 10K sq.ft area and has been designed with a fully operational infrastructure. The coworking space is backed with 24×7 WiFi and various other amenities.