Amazon wants to Ship Products even before Customers Order, Patents Anticipatory Shipping

Amazon wants to Ship Products even before Customers Order, Patents Anticipatory Shipping

Looks like Amazon wants to lead all ecommerce companies when it comes to delivery – after last year it announced Sunday Delivery and plans to deliver by drone the concept, now the retail giant has patented what it calls “Anticipatory Shipping”.

The steps show that – Amazon now has so much data about its customers that now it can actually predict what its customer wants and is confident enough about the data that it can even start shipping.

Last year in December the retailer has gained a patent of what it calls “anticipatory shipping,” says a report by WSJ.

By analyzing the user data, including – wish lists, shopping cart product details, previous orders and how long a mouse cursor stops on an image, it will ship orders by filling the partial addresses so as to take orders near the customer, making it easier to deliver the product once the buyer completes the purchase.

amazon-Anticipatory Shipping

Though the patent didn’t disclose how much delivery time this will reduce but looks like it will definitely speed up deliveries. You might be wondering, what if the system predicts wrong order and what about the returns?

Well Amazon is smart enough to handle this as well, so as to manage this – the company will offer customers with discounts or might pass that delivery as a gift. “Delivering the package to the given customer as a promotional gift may be used to build goodwill.”

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Amazon wants to Ship Products even before Customers Order, Patents Anticipatory Shipping-Inc42 Media
Amazon wants to Ship Products even before Customers Order, Patents Anticipatory Shipping-Inc42 Media
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