Ahead of Festivities, Amazon India Cuts Selling Fees By 12% To Boost Growth

Ahead of Festivities, Amazon India Cuts Selling Fees By 12% To Boost Growth


As per a PTI report, the fee reductions will help sellers expand their product offerings on the platform and boost their growth

The company has said that sellers would benefit from a reduction in selling fees ranging from 3% to 12% across various product categories

The fee reduction will allow sellers to better prepare for the Diwali shopping season and continue benefiting afterwards, the company said

Ahead of the festive season, Amazon India has reportedly announced a reduction of up to 12% in selling fees across various product categories, effective September 9.

As per PTI’s report, the fee reductions will help sellers expand their product offerings on the platform and boost their growth.

The company has said that sellers would benefit from a reduction in selling fees ranging from 3% to 12% across various product categories. The new rate card is particularly advantageous for sellers offering products priced below INR 500, added the report.

The report further cited that Amit Nanda, director of selling partner services at Amazon India, mentioned that the company is committed to supporting businesses of all sizes, from small and medium enterprises to emerging entrepreneurs and established brands. He said that the fee reduction is a direct response to feedback from sellers, particularly small businesses.

While the timing of the fee cuts aligns with the festive season, these changes are not temporary measures, the company added.

The fee reduction will allow sellers to better prepare for the Diwali shopping season and continue benefiting afterwards. Nanda mentioned that sellers, especially those offering lower-priced products, will see a notable reduction in fees on Amazon. This change offers them a chance to reinvest in their businesses to drive faster growth.

While Amazon’s festival sale is still a few months away, let’s review last year’s event. During the Great Indian Festival, which kicked off on October 8, Amazon India reported that over 38,000 sellers achieved their highest single-day sales. 

The platform claimed to welcome more than 4 Mn new customers and garnered over 110 Cr visits throughout the month-long festival.

Other highlights from the event included over 750 sellers achieving sales worth crores, more than 31,000 sellers making sales in Lakhs, a 30% year-over-year increase in participating small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), and 65% of sellers, along with 80% of new customers, coming from tier 2 and beyond cities. The festival covered over 19,000 pin-codes across India and saw a 140% increase in flight purchases by value compared to the previous year.

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Ahead of Festivities, Amazon India Cuts Selling Fees By 12% To Boost Growth-Inc42 Media
Ahead of Festivities, Amazon India Cuts Selling Fees By 12% To Boost Growth-Inc42 Media
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