Ad:Tech, New Delhi Concludes Fourth Edition

ad:tech, World’s largest digital marketing event culminated its 4th edition of Digital Marketing & Advertising Conference & Exhibition in India at The Leela Ambience Hotel in Gurgaon on Friday.

The Digital Marketing & Advertising Conference & Exhibition, spanning two days, offered much: more than 30 sessions of keynote speeches, workshops, panel discussions and educational sessions. This year, ad:tech had a specially designed an Innovation Zone for showcasing new technologies in digital marketing, and the event witnessed more than 3000 people in the conference.

Other attractions included: key note sessions by D Shivakumar ( Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo India Holdings), Sam Singh (VP & Global Head of Media), GSK Manish Vij, (founder of Smile Vun Group). There were also extremely important conferences such as the one on an overview of the Indian market and trends, and the session, “Social conversation around TV”, among many more.

James Drake-Brockman, Head of EMEA & India, Digital Marketing, says, “We are overwhelmed with the response we received for ad:tech 2014. It our constant endeavour to provide engaging sessions and prominent speakers that aims to bring out the best practices for a stable constant growth of the industry”.

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Ad:Tech, New Delhi Concludes Fourth Edition-Inc42 Media
Ad:Tech, New Delhi Concludes Fourth Edition-Inc42 Media
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