6 Vernacular AI Startups Democratizing Fintech For Bharat

Slang Labs

GenAI based video voice assistant for ecommerce apps, with the potential to increase the use of integrated fintech products among online shoppers from rural India


LLM is Built of regional Indian languages that can enable fintech products like payments, etc.


Ola Krutrim offers a suite of hardware and software AI products trained for operations in regional languages.


Haptik's GenAl-powered chatbot supports a wide range of regional Indian languages, allowing banks and fintech companies to develop chat-based financial products in regional languages.


Gnani Al's speech-to-text API supports more than ten Indian regional languages, including Hindi, Urdu, and Gujarati. This can enable vernacular chat-based fintech products for the rural Indian population.


Avaamo provides conversational Al for banking, allowing traditional banks and payment banks to tailor banking experiences for rural Indians in the language of their choosing.

State Of Indian Fintech Report Q4 2023, InFocus: Rural Fintech