Top Management Employees Fired By Meta In 2023

Director & Head Of Partnerships was the only one from top management at Meta India who quit.

Manish Chopra

Avinash Pant was fired as the Director Of Marketing from Meta India in 2023. 

Avinash Pant

Saket Jha Saurabh was fired as the Director & Head Of Media Partnerships from Meta India in 2023. 

Saket Jha Saurabh

Amrita Mukherjee was fired as the Director (Legal) from Meta India in 2023. 

Amrita Mukherjee

Dilpreeta Vasudeva was fired as the Head Of Marketing from Meta India in 2023. 

Dilpreeta Vasudeva

2023-Year-In-Review: Meta India’s 2023

Explore the 2023 Year-In-Review