Netflix’s Glitch - Still Not Figured Out The Indian Market

By Inc42 Team

India Has Gone From 4G to 5G Since Netflix’s Arrival, but the OTT Giant Has Still Not Figured Out the Indian Market.

At a Time When ChatGPT Is Creating a Revolution in 2023, the Pre-4G World of 2015 Seems Quaint and Outmoded.

But That Was the Time When the Likes of Netflix, Hotstar (Before Disney+) and Amazon Prime Video Arrived in India With Great Ambitions.

Over the Past Eight Years, a Lot Has Changed Though — As We Will See — and We Are Now at the Dawn of the 5G Age. But Somehow for Netflix, It Might Still Feel Like Year One in India.

At Least It Feels That Way, Given That Netflix Has Still Not Completely Figured Out the Indian Market.

So, What Went Wrong in India for One of the First Movers in the OTT Space Globally and How Did Rivals Overtake the Streaming Giant? 

Swipe Up To Know The Answer!