How Skydo Is Disrupting Indian Cross-Border Payments Scene


Skydo revolutionizes Indian cross-border payments by enabling businesses to open international accounts with global banking partners, challenging industry dominance.

Differentiating Factor

Skydo stands out by facilitating Indian businesses to open international accounts directly with full KYC and KYB compliance. This enables seamless payments to vendors worldwide via online banking, distinguishing them in cross-border transactions.

Skydo's Network

Skydo collaborates with six global banks, allowing customers to receive funds in 32 currencies. These banks cover key regions like the US, UK, Canada, Western Europe, Singapore, and the UAE, representing 80-90% of remittance inflows to India.

Skydo's Crown Jewel

Skydo offers end-to-end currency conversion with DBS Bank, transparent payment tracking, and integrated accounts receivable tools. Plus, it easily integrates with Zoho and other enterprise platforms.

Revenue Generated

CEO Sridhar told Inc42 that the cross-border payments platform clocked a revenue of $500K in 2023 and is looking to shore up the number to $3.5 Mn by 2024-end. 

How Skydo Is Using Its Tech Stack To Disrupt Indian Cross-Border Payments Landscape