How Salam Kisan's Drone Service Is Boosting Indian Agriculture

Idea Genesis

CEO Mandhani founded the agritech startup to empower small landholding farmers with cutting-edge technology, now providing drone services across 22 districts in Maharashtra with 70-80 drones.

Services To The Farmers

In addition to aiding farmers in evaluating soil quality, pesticide spraying, and crop management, the startup offers a DGCI-certified drone pilot training course valued at INR 50,000 per pilot.  

Salam Kisan App

Salam Kisan provides comprehensive support to farmers through its app, covering soil testing to crop procurement. The startup plans to launch financial services in April, streamlining farmers' access to bank loans.

How Does Salam Kisan Make Money?

Salam Kisan, serving 58,000 farmers, earns revenue through soil testing and drone services, priced from INR 250 to INR 600 per acre. The app charges transaction fees for listings and trading margins for soybean procurement.

Future Plans

Salam Kisan, eyeing its first external funding next fiscal year, addresses operational challenges by establishing an in-house drone manufacturing unit.

How Salam Kisan Is Pioneering The Indian Agritech Boom With Its Farming Drones