How MyMuse Is Breaking The Sexual Wellness Taboo In India

Origin Story

Anushka and Sahil Gupta identified a gap in India's market for quality adult products and launched MyMuse to educate and provide top-notch products.

Diverse Offerings

MyMuse  offers a wide array of transparently labeled, quality adult products, breaking taboos with its platform unLearn.


MyMuse saw a 6.6x revenue surge in FY23, expanded its team, and ventured into collaborative products like Boost Gummies with Setu, backed by a $2.7 Mn Pre-Series A funding.

Distribution Expansion

MyMuse aims to extend its reach across India, focusing on Tier II and Tier III cities, striving to become a household name in sexual wellness.

Brand Vision

 With a vision to generate INR 50 Cr in revenue by FY25, MyMuse emphasizes continual growth, innovation, and destigmatization of sexual wellness.

What’s Next

MyMuse plans an omnichannel expansion, diversification of its product range, and increased brand awareness through both online and offline channels.

MyMuse Brings High-Quality Adult Products To Empower People, Break The Taboo