5 Key Highlights From Zerodha’s FY23 Financials

Zerodha’s net profit rose 37% to INR 2,908.9 Cr in the FY23.

Zerodha’s operating revenue grew 37% to INR 6,832.8 Cr in FY23 from INR 4,977.3 Cr in the previous year. Fees and commission charges accounted for 84% of revenue.

The bootstrapped unicorn’s total income zoomed 38% to INR 6,877.1 Cr

Total expenses rose 38% to INR 2,992.7 Cr in FY23. As a brokerage, fees and commission account for the largest chunk of expenses for Zerodha.

On a unit economic basis, Kamath Brothers-owned earned INR 2.3 in operating revenue in FY23 for every rupee of expense.

Read the full financials of the Bootstrapped brokerage unicorn here: