3 Ways to Grow Your D2C Brand's Revenue with Zero Ad Spend

Every business, including D2C business faces 3 main challenges when it comes to customer acquisition, these are: High CAC, High Competition, & Low Retention

To keep your acquisition costs as low as possible the following models need to be prioritised. 1. Referral 2. Partnership 3. Rewards

Unlock The Potential Of Referral

Implement referral programs that reward existing customers when they successfully refer your service to someone new, leading to a conversion.

Build Strong Partnerships

Forge robust partnerships with trusted and intra-ecosystem brands to enhance consumer trust and drive them to your brand.

Reward System

Reward your customer’s loyalty through various rewards programs that are easy to understand and provide tangible results to the customers. 

This was Cheq’s Playbook of Acquiring a healthy customer base with minimal ad spend, watch the full session: