Klip.in – Social Discovery meets Shopping

Social discovery meets shopping and voila – we have Klip.in! It is basically a shopping community, customized to suit each and every individual. It was created with an idea to socialize. Why go through the same old shopping sites to look at individual products everytime when you can social “Klipboards” ready to give you peer reviews and a selected list to choose from? In the offline world, we tend to ask our friends and peers for suggestions and make imaginary wishlists! So why can’t we do that online too?

Klip.in one gets to follow expert users, connect with people that share the same shopping taste, get to know genuine reviews and also recommend about products to other buyers. It even provides opportunities to participate in group discussions regarding a particular article’s pros and cons, why one should buy a particular product. Adding to this, Klip.in makes one a smarter buyer with the help of personalized deals that it can make. Although some things we feel are missing is that it doesn’t offer you deals to buy with friends or post your buys on Facebook.

Klip.in-“It’s not just about buying”; the tag line is rightly justified because of its exciting feature a.k.a the Klipboard. Klip enables you to create your own ‘Klipboard’ which consists of products you want and think are good enough for everyone to buy and also share them with your friends as a suggestion. One can consider Klipboard as their personal wish list and can klip in products he/she wants to purchase or has already bought. It is kind of maintaining a visual record of what we buy and intend to buy. We can choose goods from a wide ranged category of Books, Electronics Equipment, Movies, Fashion and many more having tie ups with several international and national brands of the stated categories.

Smursh Media,  Klip.in’s parent company, is a new age media and digital solutions firm. The story of Smursh dates back to July 2008; initiated with a big idea to start on the web and consequently its hunt began. Smursh, an online consultancy firm was started by 23 year olds-Sahil, Maneesh and Harsh. Eventually Smursh’s motive of being an online consultancy firm changed to that of a digital agency with a good market analysis.

Klip.in was basically started in 2011 with an intention to widen the reach and scale without any thoughts of margins/revenues. It was introduced so that the Smursh authorities could directly reach their customers and benefit from it by strengthening the relations between them. Klip.in was one among the numerous ideas that finally took shape after three years of R&D.

Amidst the competitive phase of emerging e-commerce sites aiming to reach as many customers as possible around the globe, Klip.in can be considered as one of the few innovative concepts we can come across where complete satisfaction of the customers is always ensured. Klip.in stands as a potential threat to all time hit e-sites like Flipkart.com, Jabong.com, and Myntra.com due to its innovative idea and approach. However, how beneficial will it be for Smursh Media and how successful it will be will remain a prominent question that only the market can answer. As of now, the place to grab exclusive bargains and to shop the way we like is Klip.in.

Happy Klipboarding @ www.Klip.in!