3PL players like Pickrr have been a critical driving force behind India’s commerce boom which is set to hit $400 Bn by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 19%
AI-backed Pickrr has grown from 10 brands and 6K shipments per day in 2016 to 50+ brands and 10 Mn shipments per quarter in 2022
Going ahead, ecommerce brands must focus on Tier 2 and 3 locations as the next destinations for big growth, Pickrr’s cofounder and COO Ankit Kaushik says
Despite challenges galore in the past couple of years, primarily triggered by the onset of Covid-19, ecommerce boomed for the convenience and safety it offered in a pandemic situation ruled by lockdowns and social distancing.“Pickrr, with its customer-centric approach and AI-powered logistics solutions, helps ecommerce brands set up robust supply chains,” said cofounder and COO Ankit Kaushik. “We monitor brands’ CSAT score, NPS and more to optimise their costs so that brands don’t feel the pinch as they scale up,” he emphasised.“Think of it as a sine curve. Currently, there might be a downturn, but the coming years would see an uptick,” he said. “Brands must focus on their retention metrics and boost repeat purchases from existing customers instead of spending more and more on acquiring new ones.”
With the fall of brick-and-mortar stores in Covid years, e-retail became part and parcel of how India shopped, and the momentum has continued since. So much so that Indian ecommerce is estimated to reach a $400 Bn market opportunity by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 19%, according to an Inc42 report.