Trends To Be Expected In The Cloud Computing Space In 2020

Trends To Be Expected In The Cloud Computing Space In 2020


The cloud trend for the year 2020 is “Spoilt for Choices”!

Higher focus on security along with DevOps, Data Analytics, Automation and Optimization are few trends that can be expected

The cloud market will continue to grow and it’s a great time for both consumers and cloud providers

The Cloud trend for 2020 is “Spoilt for choices”!

Businesses spend over 50% of their time in choosing the right technology stack, rest in maybe implementing it and a little more time in worrying if they made the right choice or not! But there is no one to blame here exactly, this was ought to happen and that’s what has made 800+ businesses to relay on the best cloud services companies to help them make these choices through detailed comparisons, pricing options, technical compatibilities and testing.

So, what will shine this 2020?

The first thing we can say will definitely see growth is the focus on security at the core!

India is specifically going to spend a lot of time on security aspects this year. The year 2019 saw a huge number of requests from the consumers with regards to security like conducting GAP Analysis to understand their security implementations and the gaps if any.

We can expect this to grow even more in 2020 with tons of projects in implementing security best practices starting right from the encryptions to complex Nextgen firewall implementations. Organizations moving to cloud or even the ones already on cloud are going to consider these security factors more seriously this year.


Speed will continue to be one of the key success factors for any business in a competitive market like ours. Especially with increasing competition and a greater number of options each day, consumers need to be up to date and modern. DevOps in such cases plays a major role in achieving faster deployments. It helps in continuous implementations and also to seamlessly manage the code from dev through production. There are a whole bunch of DevOps tools out there in the market to look out for and integration with Identity management systems is already a blessing.

Data Analytics

We have always liked to make well-informed decisions. But thanks to Cloud, we can now do it without drilling a hole in our pockets. We sure can lookout for tons of Data warehouse, Analytics and Reporting projects. 2020 is estimated to provide more scope and potential in this area.


We spend over 40% of our working hours optimizing customer workloads for better performance and reducing cloud spend. Once the business is established and bottom-line starts to matter, cloud spends optimisation is the first thing entrepreneurs go for because it is one of the top three expenses for any cloud-first organisation. Tons of technology options are available on the cloud today and expert architects play a big role in achieving this. In fact, businesses don’t mind hiring experts only to help them optimize their cloud technology spend.

All this said, while these are some of the few trends we can expect in 2020 and coming years based on a survey conducted with extensive Cloud users, Cloud market will continue to grow and choices for the consumers will only keep increasing. We can expect consumers becoming more knowledgeable and informed about all the available technologies and demanding their implementation for their complete growth as an organization.

Note: The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views held by Inc42, its creators or employees. Inc42 is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by guest bloggers.

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