How To Save Your App From A User’s Uninstall Button

How To Save Your App From A User’s Uninstall Button


An App User Is Your Asset, Your Customer, And Your Friend

Searched. Found. Installed. Used. Uninstalled. Is digital thrash box the place you want your mobile app circle to culminate at? About 2,000 business apps make their debut each day and 26 percent of them get uninstalled in the very first hour after being installed. These statistics are a strong evidence to the fact that no app remains suspended in a threat-free environment in the ever changing and evolving tech ecosystem. The chances of survival are pretty slim if your app doesn’t have what it takes to be a permanent part of the digital kit of your app user.

Free apps have added to the confusion and if you intend to receive or at least have a break-even encounter on your investment, you got to check on our eight-point checklist for your app to remain safe from the constant threat of the ‘uninstall’ button.

In a digitally suffocated ecosystem, here’s the checklist to save your app from a similar fate:

Support Your User, All The Time

Being proactive is the key to sustenance. Most apps fail in their pursuit of a secure digital future due to their inability to provide their customers with the right kind of support they ought to receive. When users find an app unable to help them conduct the task smoothly, it was noted that about 4 percent of them left a negative review while 91 percent of them simply uninstalled the app without further contemplation. This shows the kind of speed at which users make decisions.

What can you do? If you want to retain your position, simply make sure that you are empowered to give what is expected of you to your app user. Simple yet strong customer support fundamentals can take you a long way. Giving them a lot more than what is expected is an untold expectation of your user.

Hear them Out

Most apps lose the race due to their attitude of giving negative reviews a blind eye. 63 percent of the failure happens when business owners don’t do enough to sweep their mess. Negative reviews are indeed major issues that demand to be sorted.

What you can do? Since an app user has an ingrained habit of checking reviews before installing an app, your victory lies in tackling the negative reviews and to be able to convert the negatives into positive points by providing the users with the latest information, updates, replies and a lot more at the earliest. The kind of user relation you share makes a lot of difference in the app world.

Keep Improving And Let The World Know

In the competitive app world, it is imperative to always fill in that room for improvement and then publicising the latest developments to remain in the forefront.

What you can do? Simply make sure that every part of the app design is updated and there is nothing that your app does not have. Apart from the basic features, your app must have that something extra to stand apart from its competitor’s. Research and development must be an ongoing process and minute details must be taken care of.

Understand Your App User

Comprehending the need of your app user is vital. Unless you understand your user and their interests along with the reason why they have downloaded your app, you may not be able to maintain yourself in the app race. Most companies forget the goal behind their idea of introducing an app. This leads to a further confusion with regard to the features that are necessary for your app to manage the expectation of the user.

What you can do? Make sure that your goals with regard to the app are in place – as an example, if you are over-using push notifications, you are diverting from your primary goal and forcing yourself too much on the customer. You are also invading privacy and causing repeated disturbance. So remember to choose and put the features to use smartly and viably.


An app gets a better cyber flavour if there is a pinch of personalisation. An app gets difficult to use if it cannot help the user maneuver through what is commonly known as information overload.

An app user finds it difficult to assimilate this overload and leave in search of a better substitute. Statistics also suggest that 52 percent of business apps remain installed and used for a period of 30 days post which this number starts falling to about 26 percent by the end of 90 days.

What you can do? A user-friendly app is the one that can understand the user, engage them by communicating in the appropriate manner. The right kind of information within a limited time span and a design that can hold the attention span as well as cover the user’s requirements works the best.

Solve The Problem Of The App User

An app user considers mobile apps to be their digital encyclopedia. They often feel that your business app has the power to solve their problems. 46 percent of the app users uninstall apps when they find a better and reliable quality app. This is mainly because apps have failed at capturing the interest of the user and are unable to improve the confidence level of the user with regard to the app.

What you can do? Think like your user and solve their problems, just like how you would solve your very own issues. Be quick to reply to their issues and assure them that you can help them and simply get into action.

Build A Community

With about 1,000 plus mobile apps being launched all across the globe per day, you will definitely come across apps that may be much better than your design and have a lot more to offer. This again is a threat to your business.

What you can do? Create a cohesive community that will indirectly promote your app and your business. Make sure that your community is strong and you have a program created for your community. Referrals, reward programs of a sort to retain your user base can help you manage your app in the densely populated app environment.

Metrics Matter

Measuring the metrics is important. Most businesses facing an app failure have one thing in common – they have created an app, witnessed people installing them and then, have forgotten to do what is called the ‘post-app’ measures. If you stop working on your app and its metrics, your business is finished. Very soon, you’ll witness users uninstall your app at an even faster rate.

What you can do? Make sure that you monitor app engagements. Identify the metrics that are important for your business like lead generation, conversion or retention. Keep a watch on your factors and identify where the room for improvement in your app is. This is going to take you a long way.

It takes barely seven minutes to decide whether one has to install an app and about three minutes to decide and press the uninstall button. So if you want your app to become an integral part of the smartphone used by the users who install your app, it is mandatory for you to maintain your standards as well as remain in a constant strive to improve because this alone will stop them from pressing the uninstall button and help measure your success in the app world.

Note: The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views held by Inc42, its creators or employees. Inc42 is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by guest bloggers.

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