New Technologies Are Invented To Save Us Time. But Are We Really Saving Time?

New Technologies Are Invented To Save Us Time. But Are We Really Saving Time?


New technologies are being created with an aim to make our life feasible

Technology shapes our standards and also mirrors them

People seek the usage of technical and electronic gadgets for their every move

As the wheels of time in the modern era revolves further, new technological innovations and advancements pave its way. New sophistication and mechanical discoveries keep on stamping the incoming of a new domain of scientific expansion. It’s evident that ours is a changing world. These developments are taking place at a prompt pace. These are meant to ease our life and make it more expedient, relaxed and luxurious.

The trending world lacks time. Scientific developments and creations are made to make our process more proficient and lessen time consumption. Taking a practical example, when there were no phones, a person was able to convey any information to the other only when they would come face to face with each other.

They would either have to wait for each other or walk or approach them. But now, any information could be sent to other anytime, irrespective of the part of the world that person is. Hence, it saves our time to a great deal and saves our energy to a great magnitude. Same seems to be true with all other technological gadgets and innovations.

But is it really so? Theoretically, it seems quite evident. But upon analysing on a practical basis, it seems the other way around. The unremitting use of technical gadgets and instruments has also played a pivotal role in confirming our excess and all-round dependency on it. People seek the usage of technical and electronic gadgets for their every move. This has dwindled our adeptness and activeness.

Moreover, the human race seems to have become addicted to the use of these innovations.

New technologies are being created with an aim to make our life feasible. Undoubtedly, machine work takes less time as compared to manual attempts. It makes us safer or more relaxed. But, at the same time, innovations can have a pertinacious effect too.

The new technological expansions are making us more contingent, somehow waning our skills. Also, the obsession kills our time. New technologies may save time while performing a task, but it may increase our regularity of doing things.

For example, the invention of washing machines have made our work feasible. But at the same time, it has augmented our cleaning standards and we may end up washing clothes recurrently. That may again make us feel busier.

This is the case with most of the technological advancements that are taking place these days. Another example here is mobile phones. The initial purpose of cell phones was to make a call or send a message. But, now and then introduction of features and apps have actually amplified our needs and we end up spending more time on phones.

The basic purpose might be served spontaneously but we may still feel pressed. These innovations have added to our necessities. We may have plenty of jobs now, and might still find all of these correspondingly important.

Many technological innovations, from email to instant messengers to productivity apps, promise to make our lives quicker and more competent. However, we equivocate so much between these technologies that we regard them as the ultimate solution.

That actually destroys our time. We might pick up the phone to check a notification or complete a task, and get distracted and start checking other apps as well, leading to many hours wasted looking at a screen while the task merely took minutes to complete.

Another drawback is that we have started considering these inventions as leisure stuff. For example, we may play a video game or watch a video on YouTube in our free time and spend less time with our folks. This again makes us needlessly busy. The over-use of social media is another loss.

The dependency on technologies may often not add much to our quality of life.

Technology shapes our standards and also mirrors them. If we wish to use our time judiciously, we need to contemplate what kind of technology we really want—and the functions we want it to serve. We need to be more thoughtful about technology now, and stop using the inventions at leisure. That will save time in real sense and serve the actual purpose of these innovations.

Note: The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views held by Inc42, its creators or employees. Inc42 is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by guest bloggers.

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New Technologies Are Invented To Save Us Time. But Are We Really Saving Time?-Inc42 Media
New Technologies Are Invented To Save Us Time. But Are We Really Saving Time?-Inc42 Media
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