Learn To Build Your Own Multi-Utility Startup Desk

Learn To Build Your Own Multi-Utility Startup Desk

The average executive wastes six weeks per year retrieving misplaced information due to messy desks and files, according to The Wall Street Journal. A clean desk is not the sign of someone with nothing to do, nor is a messy desk the mark of a busy manager. Most of us can think and be more productive when sitting at a clean, well-organized desk.

A messy desk is a sign of creativity and imagination. This is the excuse many entrepreneurs give for the mountain of papers, knickknacks, and soft drink bottles normally piled on their desk at work. Truth is,Most of the entrepreneurs are just lazy.

The HomeMade Modern blog made a multi-utility desk out of a single sheet of plywood that will make you want to rush out and buy it. Except you can’t buy it. But you can make it!

“In a small apartment, a desk is used for many things. It’s often more than just a workstation. It can double as a craft table, a dinner table for one, a make-up station or vanity and a place to store unopened bills. With the flip desk, I set out to create a small, simple desk designed for multi-tasking.”  says Ben Uyeda from HomeMade Modern

How awesome would it be if every startup can build such a cool desk in their weekends. Right?

Let us know if you make one. We would love to share it with our readers.

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