How Growth Marketers Can Leverage Content Marketing To Ensure Maximum Conversions

How Growth Marketers Can Leverage Content Marketing To Ensure Maximum Conversions


Some people argue that a short copy is more effective because it's easier to read and digest

A long copy gives you more space to persuade your customers and convey the benefits of your product

Let’s explore the debate between long copy and short copy and why long copy is the better option when it comes to growth marketing

Let’s explore the debate between long copy vs. short copy and why long copy is the better option when it comes to growth marketing.

Long Copy Is The Key To Persuasion

Many believe that people don’t read much, but the truth is, people, read a lot, especially when they’re interested in your product. So, don’t be afraid to write long copy. It gives you more space to persuade your customers by diving deep into the features, benefits, and details of your product.

For example, Bombay Shaving Company’s product pages have a long-form copy that explains the benefits of their product, including how their razors are better than the expensive alternatives. The copy also includes customer reviews and a video that shows the product in action. As a result, they were able to persuade lakhs of customers to sign up for their service.

The Power Of Long Copy: More Information = More Conversions

The more you tell, the more you sell. When you spend more time with a salesperson, you’re more likely to buy. Similarly, when you provide more information in your copy as a part of your content marketing strategy, you’re more likely to convert visitors into customers.

The Power Of Length: Conveying Strength & Conviction

Long copy conveys strength and conviction. When people see a long sales page or product description, they assume that the product must be good, simply because there’s so much information about it.

Logic And Emotion: Long Copy Appeals To Both

Long copy appeals to both the logical and emotional parts of the brain. Some people make purchasing decisions based on emotions, while others want to think it through and understand the details.

The Website Is Better Optimised For Search Engines

They can improve SEO. Longer content often ranks better on search engines because it provides more value to readers. Additionally, long-form content is more likely to receive backlinks and social shares, which can further boost your SEO efforts.

Short Copy: A Missed Opportunity

Some people argue that short copy is more effective because it’s easier to read and digest. While this may be true in some cases, it’s not a good content marketing strategy for all products.

For example, while writing cart abandoned emails for Inc42 Plus, we ensure that all the features and benefits are communicated well in email and WhatsApp flows. It has been observed that the conversion rates are higher with long-form copies

In conclusion, don’t be afraid to write long copy. It gives you more space to persuade your customers and convey the benefits of your product. By using real-world examples from successful brands, we hope we’ve convinced you to take a long-form approach to your copywriting.

Note: The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views held by Inc42, its creators or employees. Inc42 is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by guest bloggers.

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