Tamil Nadu promulgated an ordinance to prohibit even games of mere skill (if played for stakes) as wagering or betting in cyberspace which led to online gaming companies scramble to obtain a stay on the ordinance
The Madras High Court has struck down the TN amendments as overbearing, arbitrary and pernicious
The time is ripe and the soil fertile, for evolving a framework that is viable for all stakeholders, including gamers, say authors
The High Court of Madras was recently called upon to referee a tug-of-war between the undeniable allure of online gaming afforded by gaming unicorns and the questionable morality of gambling. The High Court struck down the short-lived amendment made to the Tamil Nadu Gaming Act, 1930 vide a detailed Order.
This article explores the root of the ban proposed by the State Government and the legality, thereof, in the light of the High Court decision.