Customise And Personalise: A New Delivery Trend Titillating Tech Consumers

Customise And Personalise: A New Delivery Trend Titillating Tech Consumers


More often than not, the terms ‘customise’ and ‘personalise’ are used almost interchangeably, however, there is a clear distinction between the two

Personalisation and customisation work epically as marketing strategies and can certainly help you when it comes to post-purchase customer experience as well

Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can customise and/or personalise the delivery experience for a wide range of customers.

Across the planet, electronics are becoming the need of the hour. The value of the global market in 2022 was over $740 Bn. While consumers focus on customising their newfound gadgets, those providing the tech bring that same focus to the delivery. 

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the unique ways electronics merchants can personalise delivery for a sensational customer experience while using customised safe shipping services

Customisation And Personalisation: What’s The Difference? 

More often than not, the terms ‘customise’ and ‘personalise’ are used almost interchangeably in casual conversation, especially with regard to add-ons for devices. However, there is a clear distinction between the two that can be sussed out by the nature of the add-on in question. 

Customisation refers to modifications made to a device, system, or process that have been explicitly requested by the user/buyer. Personalisation, on the other, is implicit and controlled by the business/seller. The former relies on user-specific demands to enhance utility, while the latter depends on customer data and reduces interaction costs. 

One of the most common examples of personalisation can be seen with Amazon Prime. The homepage of any Amazon Prime user is curated to the individual based on their views and purchases. 

In 2022, Samsung announced a #YouMake campaign that worked as a means of both personalisation and customisation in marketing. Users could completely design and stylize devices on the website and then opt to purchase after completion.

How To Personalise And/Or Customise Delivery 

We’ve established that personalisation and customisation work epically as marketing strategies. But how can they help you when it comes to post-purchase customer experience? That’s usually where your delivery process comes into play. 

The electronics industry is a massive tapestry of different products, from telecommunication devices to home appliances. So, on the one hand, you’ve got small shipments like smartwatches or phones. And on the other is massive cargo like refrigerators and washing machines. 

Though there are many differences between these contraptions, they share the need for careful and specialized shipping options. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can customise and/or personalise the delivery experience for a wide range of customers.


The internet is inundated with unboxing videos on a regular basis, and smart devices lead the charge. You can find such videos for nearly every phone, laptop, or TV set released. This makes packaging an ideal way to appeal to customers and add elements of excitement before, during, and after delivery.  

  • Personalising: Personalised packaging can start with something as simple as a creatively designed box. It can expand to colorful packing peanuts, unique safety additions (like insulated casings), and alternative features (like the use of recyclable materials).  
  • Customising: Allowing customers to choose the size/color of the box, the material used (recyclable, weather resistant, etc.), and other such options gives optimum control to customers. These are customizations that, along with smart packaging, customers would pay additional fees for.   


Everybody loves surprises, and customers are at the top of that list. For a shopper who has just reached into their wallet for a purchase, finding an added gift or coupon in that box can do wonders for customer satisfaction. Customers are more likely to revisit stores that they know give them a bang for their buck. 

  • Personalising: Accompaniments are the easiest way for any company to personalise the delivery experience while also promoting their brand. Pamphlets for memberships, subscriptions, future sales, and coupons for discounts on later purchases are all amazing ways to stay in customers’ minds post-delivery. 
  • Customising: When it comes to customised accompaniments, customers get to choose what comes with their order. By and large, shoppers will select items that correspond to their original purchase. However, if you’re creative with the order add-ons you offer, offering accompaniments is a great way to promote cross-selling. 

Delivery Options 

An unpleasant delivery experience, one fraught with inaccuracies, delays, and confusing communications, can have a huge impact on all your customers, old and new alike. Keeping customers updated alone won’t bridge this gap. Giving your shoppers the most unique experience will set you apart from all your competitors. 

  • Personalising: Personalised delivery options require you to anticipate your customers’ delivery needs. This means ensuring notifications are provided at regular intervals to ensure expectant customers remain in pleasant anticipation while awaiting their orders’ arrival. For good measure, be sure to address all notifications to customers directly using their names. 
  • Customising: Customising the delivery experience usually means allowing customers to select their preferred delivery date or time. This is absolutely essential when it comes to electronics because these are goods of high value – and not everyone can trust their neighbors. Tying up with a carrier that offers flexible delivery solutions can make this an easy customisation to offer. 

Final Takeaways 

The electronics industry is among the most rapidly growing and vital sectors of the global economy. A decade ago, a majority of the population remained apprehensive about purchasing their devices and gadgets online. 

Today, it has become the norm to do so. However, customer preferences and pickiness remain as strong-willed as they ever were, and it’s up to ecommerce companies to meet their expectations. 

Among those expectations are personalisation and customisation of the experience. Most retailers and manufacturers of appliances and smart tools already enable shoppers to customise and personalise products to their liking through their websites. But doing the same for the overall shopping experience is a different ballgame. 

We hope the tips given above enable you to sculpt the ideal journey for every customer’s order. Staying up to date with customer trends and styles is always a good move. And above all else, stay in touch with your customers, find new ways to interact with them, and make sure they have a blast every time they order from you – even if they’re just waiting for their order to arrive.

Note: The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views held by Inc42, its creators or employees. Inc42 is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by guest bloggers.

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