10 Things Getting in the Way of Your Success

Here are the road-blocks getting in the way of your success:


Putting things off until you absolutely need to is not a good plan. Procrastination is the enabler of all lost dreams. The “I’ll do it later” routine is often followed by those who never actually do. Sound familiar? What does tomorrow have that today doesn’t? Side note: If you’re on my mailing list, you get an awesome tool to help you defeat procrastination.


There are two kinds of fears. The first, fear that you won’t succeed and the second, fear that you will. Either way, it will hold you back if you don’t use it as a weapon instead of an excuse.


Most things aren’t done because you don’t actually believe it’s possible. You don’t really believe you can do it. This battle is totally fought in the mind, much like all the others listed here. No one can teach you how to stop doubting yourself. You have to learn that all on your own. Doubt is a distraction. It toils with the mind, keeping it busy. Too busy to make progress. I had a major issue with doubt, so I wrote it a special letter. It never bothered me again.

The No-Plan Plan

Ah yes! The no-plan, plan. So many people walk around saying what they are about to do without actually putting a plan in place to do it! Sound familiar? Look at it this way – If you plan on going to dinner at an extremely popular restaurant, you don’t want to risk not getting a table so you simply pick up the phone and book it right? So why don’t you “book” our goals the same way? Every pursuit comes with a plan and a process. What is your process for your plans of reaching your goal?

Lack of Consistency

Without consistent drive towards reaching small goals on a daily basis, there can be no achievement of the greater goal. Robert Collier says: “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”

Lack of Discipline

When you say YES to things and give yourself unlimited permission to push your goals to the back burner just to get some immediate satisfaction (that rarely lasts long) you are practicing a lack of discipline. Remind yourself why your goal is important and how, if achieved it can change your life.

Negative people

If you let them, the people in your circle will simply drain the life out of you. They can deposit negative seeds into your mind by always telling you why you shouldn’t do something. They make it their mission to harbor on all the “risk” aspects in any plan. These people take up space in your mind and it is time to serve them an eviction notice today!

Time management

“I don’t have time.” It’s the number one excuse for people who don’t know how to manage their time. It is a crutch many use to compensate for lack of accountability. Everyone has access to 24hrs each day. All the successful people you admire get no more hours in the day than you do. So start assigning things to your time that help you to reach your goals. But first, you must be aware of where your time is going. Here’s a neat time management log I send to my clients created by Laura Vanderkam to help you take back control of your time.

Knowing when to outsource

Stop trying to do everything on your own. Some things, you will need an expert to handle. When you spend too much time doing things you don’t have to do, you delay reaching your goals. Things that will help your life to become easier on a day to day basis you can outsource to an expert. Hire a coach, a maid, a blog writer, website developer, etc. You get the idea.

Knowing how to package your value

You have all these neat gifts and passions, but have no idea how to put that greatness together and share with others through a clear message. Knowing how to articulate your value is an essential element to receiving equal compensation for that value. Try writing down your big goal and then work backwards by writing down what small steps are necessary to communicate to a potential client/buyer so they get the bigger picture of the value of you and your product or service.

Don’t let this year become another year where you should’ve done something you had time to do but never did.



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