Updated: Ixigo Founder Trolls Goibibo For Copying Ixigo’s Content [#TopoMagarPyarSe]

Updated: Ixigo Founder Trolls Goibibo For Copying Ixigo’s Content [#TopoMagarPyarSe]


Ixigo has confirmed that Goibibo has promptly removed all infringing content and that the teams are in touch to get this sorted out amicably.


Gurgaon-based travel aggregator, Goibibo is copying site content from its biggest rival ixigo. The Company’s founder Aloke Bajpai has posted pictures of Goibibo’s careless content posting.

Ixigo and Goibibo are operating in the same marketspace thus the featured hotel names are bound to match but posting product offerings like – ixigo stickers, makes us wonder, does Goibibo even knows what their product offerings really are?

This is not the case of a single mistake the copy pasted content mountains up to 89+ posts!

Goibibo even copied lines like-  “ixigo searches multiple booking sites…” So, now the work methodology is also claimed to be the same.

And went totally overboard by stating – “ixigo can assure you cheapest/lowest rate guarantee…”

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