Online medicine delivery platform,, has raised an undisclosed amount of angel funding from Lothal Angel Ventures, reported ET.
Ahmedabad-based startup, eSwasthya was founded in February 2014 by Yash Shah. It is an on-demand service provider that delivers medicines.
Through eSwasthya, users can get medicines delivered at their doorsteps or have an option to pick up the medicine from the nearest store at discounted rate. The startup processes the order via its registered pharmacists. Orders can be placed through its website, mobile app and email.
Once a user provides a prescription, it is validated by a team of pharmacists and is then passed on to a pharmacy in the user’s vicinity. The company cites that the reason for this is that the sale of medicines can only be done by a licensed pharmacy under the supervision of a pharmacist.
The platform ensures that its practices are compliant with the government regulations and insists that the patient must be in possession of the original prescription at the time of delivery.
In addition to medicine delivery, the startup also offers pathological services, free sample collection, body checkup plans, homecare and hospital-based surgical items, and gym & salon services on its platform. Currently, the platform has over 40,000 users and operates in Ahmedabad, Vadodara and Nasik.
The healthcare market in India is expected to reach $280 Bn by 2020 at a CAGR of 22.9%. Earlier in March, Gurgaon-based healthcare startup medECUBE raised about $4 Mn (INR 25 Crore) in series A funding from Artiman Ventures. Other players in this sector include Practo, eKincare, Lybrate, Ziffi, Qikwell, Curofy, Care24, etc.
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