IPL & Instagram’s Cricket Betting Problem


The social media giant has become a hotbed for illegal online betting amid the IPL 2023 mania

It would be hard to miss the IPL even if you wanted to. Pretty much all ad spending and marketing by the large companies is geared towards this annual extravaganza, and nowhere is this more apparent than on Instagram.“You will find a lot of influencers promoting these sites through collaboration posts and they use the influencer’s reach to get users instead of ads, so it’s not easy for authorities or the platforms to track this,” Sayta added.“Users are sent the odds through an app or website or even on WhatsApp and the bookmaker makes money on the swing of bets i.e. when users move their bets from one team to another to hedge their losses,” the former bookmaker added.“The Tamil Nadu government has passed an unconstitutional law, which bans multiple online skill games. The law disregards over six decades of established legal jurisprudence and seems to be based on a completely wrong understanding of technology,” AIGF secretary Roland Landers told Inc42.“They banned betting but these companies even sponsored large cricket tournaments in India. We want the government to come up with a gaming commission or a regulator because this is a serious issue and a lot of legitimate businesses like ours are getting caught in the middle,” added the executive from the gaming unicorn.

Given this spotlight, cricket content naturally ranks high on social media algorithms in India. If you visit the Reels or Explore section on Instagram, you are likely to bump into some cricketer hawking a brand or some creator talking about the IPL.

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