Flipkart added 27,000 additional Kirana stores to its offline retail network this week
The company will also train sales staff at general stores in assisted ecommerce for holiday season shoppers
Amazon has also announced plans to enable order pickups at public places in Mumbai
With each passing day, India’s leading ecommerce companies are revealing another layer of their hybrid or omnichannel model, which blends online shopping and offline retail. Walmart-owned Flipkart has taken multiple steps in the past few weeks in an attempt to gain a leg up on its biggest rival Amazon and to tackle the entry of Reliance in the Indian ecommerce market.
The Bengaluru-based company is introducing a ‘Flipkart Authorised BuyZone’ programme, in metros Tier 2 and 3 cities, where customers can get assistance for shopping smartphones, large appliances and consumer electronics goods during the festive season.