Even as most Indians are at home with their families for Diwali, thousands of gig workers have to be on the road in challenging conditions to make sure that the celebrations go on
Wish You A Very Happy Diwali From Everyone Here At Inc42. Here’s To Another Great Year Ahead For You And Us! “Covid was an outlier and there was a real threat to life and the government had mandated masks. But now even masks may not be enough for some parts of Delhi,” added the founder of a NCR-based last-mile delivery firm.“There is a heatwave, which then becomes monsoon and now it’s pollution, but there’s no solution for any of the concerns that gig workers have. They spend hours on the road, often unsheltered and in the midst of traffic snarls. Air pollution or floods, the situation is the same in any city.”“Just think about our roads and highways 15 years ago; things are improving in India for all businesses. Of course, pollution is one of those problems that cannot be solved just by stopping stubble burning. There are many parts to it, so I think governments are doing what they think is possible in the short-term,” the founder added.“If schools and colleges are shut and offices are coerced to take steps to reduce emissions, the situation is not good for anyone. But with each Diwali, our reliance on gig workers is increasing.”
We are taking a short break from our regular publishing cycle from November 11-13, which is why this Inc42 Weekly Brief is different from what you are used to seeing every Sunday. Team Inc42 will be back on Tuesday, the 14th, recharged and ready for the months ahead! Hope you have a great festive season!