Rebel Foods: Financial Breakdown
A look at Rebel Foods's financial health & key metrics
- ₹998.4 CrTotal Revenue19%Prev FY
- ₹1,486.1 CrTotal Expenses12%Prev FY
- ₹-670.2 CrProfit After Tax-30%Prev FY
- ₹1,680.5 CrTotal Assets-16%Prev FY
- -0.7%Net Profit Margin-9%Prev FY
Rebel Foods: Cash Flow
Cash Flow highlights of Rebel Foods and a snapshot of its key metrics.
- ₹22.9 CrCash Balance (Beginning of year)26%Prev FY
- ₹-407.0 CrCash Flow (Operating Activities)-20%Prev FY
- ₹158.2 CrCash Used (Investing Activities)117%Prev FY
- ₹269.0 CrCash Used (Financing Activities)-79%Prev FY