Bhatnagar said that the 'unicorn' tag is more of a marketing tag and does not bear any consequence in the VC's investment playbook
Commenting on Peak XV's portfolio, Bhatnagar said that the VC firm currently has 45 startups with operating revenues north of $100 Mn and 23 startups with revenues over $200 Mn
Peak XV’s managing director opined that IPOs offer as the perfect opportunity for investors to make an exit
Amid a boom in the Indian startup ecosystem minting unicorns, Peak XV Partners’ (formerly Sequoia Capital India and SEA) managing director Mohit Bhatnagar today (September 26) said that the venture capital firm focuses more on a startup’s revenue scale rather than its valuation.
In a conversation with Inc42’s cofounder and CEO Vaibhav Vardhan at Inc42’s Money X event, Bhatnagar said that the ‘unicorn’ tag is more of a marketing tag and does not bear any consequence in the VC’s investment playbook.