TRAI chairman Anil Kumar Lahoti said that the regulator will discuss the policy to bring communication apps under the regulatory ambit separately
Lahoti said that the telecom regulator will release a consultation paper on pricing for satcom spectrum in the next few days
Recently, TRAI also proposed clubbing the scopes of existing GMPCS and VSAT-CUG licencing regimes, which are necessary to offer satcom services, into a single framework
Despite the push of the telecom companies to bring messaging apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram under Telecommunication Act, 2023, the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) seems to have put the plan on the backburner.
As per news agency PTI, TRAI chairman Anil Kumar Lahoti said that the regulator will discuss the policy to bring such apps under the regulatory ambit separately. He added that TRAI rather plans to prioritise pricing for satellite communication (satcom) spectrum.