Snapdeal Witnessed Sales Of INR 1 Cr. A Minute

Indian ecommerce segment celebrated one of the biggest day in the history yesterday. Biggies including Flipkart and Snapdeal were seen in a tug of war situation trying to pull each other.

Flipkart managed to sell goods worth $ 100 Mn in mere 10 hours with a failed customer experience on its Big Billion Day. And on the other side, as per Snapdeal witnessed sales of over a INR 1 Cr a minute, with lakhs of products being sold in a single day.

Snapdeal claimed it sold 10 products per second across categories between October 3 and October 5 but did not disclose the total sales value.

The number appears to be the same for the two. However, figures of sale of Amazon which is running a three-day discount campaign is not available as of now.

“The Big Billion Day is an unprecedented day for us as this is the biggest sale ever in India. With a range of exciting offers on quality products at disruptive prices available throughout the sale period, we have created history in Indian e-commerce,” said a statement from Flipkart.

But however customer experience and social media outrage tells a different story.

Flipkart was seen advertising offline and online before and during the campaign. Even personalized emails from founders were sent to customers informing about the sale, it did everything possible and which actually turned people to visit the store.

But Flipkart failed to meet customer expectations due to number of reasons, be it bad deals, products being out of stock, technology glitches on the website which made customers to move to shop on Snapdeal which even trolled Flipkart in the ad campaigns.

Though both the players managed to meet their sales targets and witnessed out breaking sales but in the end online shopping is all about how a customers feel and how happy he/she was while shopping, let’s see how happy Amazon will be able to make Indian online shoppers.


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