Markets regulator SEBI has notified new regulations to streamline the framework for the registration of foreign venture capital investors (FVCIs)
A foreign venture capital investor or a global custodian acting on behalf of the FVCI should make an agreement with a DDP and a custodian, before making any investment
SEBI also made additions to the eligibility criteria for FVCI whereby Resident Indians (RIs), Non Resident Indians (NRIs), Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) can be constituent of the applicant
Markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has notified new regulations to streamline the framework for the registration of foreign venture capital investors (FVCIs).
As per PTI’s report, the process of granting registration to FVCIs and processing other post-registration references has been delegated to designated depository participants (DDPs) in line with provisions prescribed for FPIs (foreign portfolio investors).