The Delhi HC said that Rahul Yadav’s 4B Networks has lost its right to file a response in the arbitration case filed by coworking space provider Innov8
The court had earlier granted an additional time of 10 days to 4B Networks to respond to the coworking space provider’s plea
Innov8 filed the case against 4B Networks under Section 11 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act earlier this year for not paying rent amounting to INR 1.08 Cr
The Delhi High Court on Monday reportedly said that Rahul Yadav’s 4B Networks has lost its right to file a response in the arbitration case filed against the company by coworking space provider Innov8.
The court delivered the order after 4B Networks failed to file a response despite the HC granting a “last opportunity” to the company in association with Innov8’s arbitration plea against it for not paying rent amounting to INR 1.08 Cr, as per an Economic Times report.