Prosus, Parent Nasper Rope In Former iFood Executive Fabricio Bloisi As CEO

Prosus, Parent Nasper Rope In Former iFood Executive Fabricio Bloisi As CEO


Fabricio Bloisi will join the Naspers board as an executive director on July 1

This appointment follows the resignation of Bob van Dijk, who stepped down as CEO of Prosus and Naspers on September 18, 2023

Prosus’ portfolio in India includes names such as BYJU’S, Eruditus, Mens Brands, OLX, Swiggy, The Good Glamm Group, Lazypay, Pharmeasy, among others

Tech investor Prosus and its parent entity Naspers have roped in former iFood’s chief executive officer Fabricio Bloisi as its new CEO.

This appointment comes eight months after Bob van Dijk stepped down as CEO of Prosus and Naspers in September 2023. Following his departure, the Netherlands-based company appointed Ervin Tu as interim CEO.

Bloisi will join the Naspers board as an executive director on July 1 and the Prosus board following the AGM in August 2024, subject to shareholder approval, as per the company.

Bloisi acquired iFood in 2013 when it was a 20-person startup. Since then, he has rapidly and profitably grown it into Brazil’s leading food delivery company.

The company said in a statement that Ervin will continue to play a role in shaping the Group’s future in a new position, president and chief investment officer (CIO).

The company in a statement said that Ervin as its new president and CIO, will play a fundamental role in shaping the Group’s future strategy, investments, and capital allocation.

Bloisi in a statement said, “A company like Prosus must play an important role in identifying new technologies, such as AI, that impact the world and specifically emerging markets. Our focus on innovation and discipline, combined with our outstanding people, knowledge, and culture, is a recipe for better experiences for our customers, opportunities for employees and better results for our shareholders long into the future.”

Prosus’ portfolio in India includes BYJU’S, Eruditus, Mens Brands, OLX, Swiggy, The Good Glamm Group, Lazypay and PharmEasy, among others.

Prosus has announced several management changes over the past year. Last year Bob van Dijk stepped down as CEO and resigned from his board positions. This move followed the appointment of Gautam Thakar, former CEO of OLX Autos, to lead Prosus’s edtech investments. This appointment was part of an internal restructuring that split the food delivery and edtech divisions into distinct segments.

Thakar now serves as the CEO of edtech for Prosus, while Roger Rabalais, the chief financial officer (CFO) of food and chief operating officer (COO) of business-to-consumer (B2C), became the CEO food delivery.

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Prosus, Parent Nasper Rope In Former iFood Executive Fabricio Bloisi As CEO-Inc42 Media
Prosus, Parent Nasper Rope In Former iFood Executive Fabricio Bloisi As CEO-Inc42 Media
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