After Ola, TaxiForSure Launches Auto Booking Service

After Ola, TaxiForSure Launches Auto Booking Service

Amidst all the chaos over plying of cabs and security regarding them, TaxiForSure launched an auto rickshaw booking service which can be accessed via mobile app as well as the website. They are starting with a fleet of 500 autos which will later increase to 1000 autos in Bangalore.

The service is currently available in Bangalore only with plans to expand it to other cities in the forthcoming months.

The company is collaborating with a Bangalore-based social enterprise, Three Wheels United which focuses on the financial inclusion of auto drivers and easing their concerns about getting consistent business.

TaxiForSure is also in talks with foreign investors and hedge funds to raise a Series D round of funds amounting more than $100Mn. The company has also applied for a license under the Radio Taxi Act in Delhi. The said funding will be used to amp up its operation from 37 cities to 100 cities.

The move comes after its rival Ola launched a similar service in the city. A convenience fee of INR10 will be levied above the auto charge to avail this.

CEO Raghunandan G said that they have also developed a multilingual app for auto drivers which supports English, Hindi and Kannada. This will allow auto drivers to read the customer address and other menu options in their preferred language.

TaxiForSure had raised $50Mn in its Series C round of funding led by Accel Partners in August last year, with participation from Bessemer and Accel.

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