Netflix is now under the scanner of India with authorities probing the business practices of the OTT player’s local operations, including allegations of visa violations and racial discrimination
An email regarding the investigation has been sent on July 20, from a home ministry official to Nandini Mehta, former director of business and legal affairs at Netflix in India
Mehta responded in an emailed statement that she is pursuing a lawsuit in the United States against Netflix for alleged wrongful termination as well as racial and gender discrimination, which the company has denied
Days after its web series ‘IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack’ stirred up a hornet’s nest for failing to disclose the actual names of the terrorists depicted in the show, Netflix is now under the scanner of India with authorities probing the business practices of the OTT player’s local operations, including allegations of visa violations and racial discrimination.
As per the Reuters’ report, an email regarding the investigation has been sent on July 20, from a home ministry official to Nandini Mehta, former director of business and legal affairs at Netflix in India.