Must Reads Of The Week: 5 Articles You Shouldn’t Miss Out On [12 July – 17 July]

Must Reads Of The Week: 5 Articles You Shouldn’t Miss Out On [12 July – 17 July]

We bring to you this week’s edition of must reads, articles you should not miss out on.

How This Startup Saved The Worst Website In America

Obama Government planned to provide its people with health insurance simply by leading them to which is a healthcare exchange website created under the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, for residents of the 36 US states that opted not to create their own state healthcare exchanges. But little they knew about running a startup. The website was not at all reliable and was having erratic downtimes. Tech team of the startup Marketplace Lite which resurrected the website and made it a success. They started by performing bug fixed on a sprawling, struggling mass of code ended by writing critical, efficient infrastructure for the government. Yet what the MPL team accomplished philosophically may be even more important: It helped teach government bureaucrats how to think about building websites in 2015.

Read here for the full story.

Microsoft Is All Set To Take On Google

Tech giants usually don’t play the game by rules; they make their own, Microsoft which has been one of the early tech giant is now all set to head on with Google. The company has been chasing the likes of Apple, Google, Samsung, even struggling Sony in every market from mobile and search to the cloud and gaming. CEO Satya Nadella has refocused the company on “building best-in-class platforms and productivity services for a mobile-first, cloud-first world.” More specifically, he aspires to “reinvent productivity and business processes,” “build the intelligent cloud platform” and “create more personal computing” so consumers and businesses can “achieve more.”

Read here for the full story.

View From The Front Seat Of The Google Self-Driving Car

With latest news, citing four passengers being injured after an accident took place which involved a Self-Driving Car has been taking rounds. We bring to you how it actually feels being behind the wheel of tech giant’s new experiment. These self-driving cars are being hit often by other erroneous human drivers who are distracted and do not pay attention to the road. Even with driving same 10,000 miles on road an average American does, the self-driven cars are being hit more. Result being the other drivers are not cautious enough who seem to be oblivious of the fact that 33,000 people die on America’s roads every year which makes these cars need of the hour.

Read here for the full story.

Building A Startup Culture Rave About

Seldom it happens that people working at a startup are found in formal attire, because they can talk to their startup’s founder even wearing those sneaker which they thought couldn’t be used at work. Companies have realized that creating boundaries obfuscate employees’ creativity as well as productivity. Here are few tips for entrepreneurs who want to make their employees rave about their work culture. Building team and not making departments works well enough because a team works as a single unit compensating for each others’ drawbacks whereas departmentalization can lead to little to no interaction between them. Doing away with the hierarchy system works wonders as well, employees are inclined to take ownership of their work, collaborate and provide valuable inputs to each other.

Read here to know more.

Five Things Recently Funded Startups Should Keep In Mind

Funding, that one thing that makes any entrepreneur elated. Getting funding is no cakewalk. It gives a new lease of life to a dying startup but there are certain caveats which need to be kept in mind after receiving funds. Always, keeping an eye on the ROI should be the foremost thing as it is other people’s money  which was given to have something in return, quid pro quo and not because they were altruistic. Along with this, sticking to the roadmap which was agreed with investors, pondering over the business plan and staying true to your word are the things which should be taken care of.

Read he-re for the full story.

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Must Reads Of The Week: 5 Articles You Shouldn’t Miss Out On [12 July – 17 July]-Inc42 Media
Must Reads Of The Week: 5 Articles You Shouldn’t Miss Out On [12 July – 17 July]-Inc42 Media
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