The partnership will enable PTI to identify, review and rate content as misinformation across Meta platforms
The social media giant’s Indian language coverage stands at 16 through its existing fact-checking partners
The focus of the program is to address viral misinformation– particularly clear hoaxes that have no basis
Facebook parent Meta has joined hands with the news agency Press Trust of India (PTI) as it looks to expand its third-party fact checking programme in India ahead of the forthcoming Lok Sabha polls.“Globally, we’ve also built the largest independent fact-checking network of any platform, with nearly 100 partners around the world to review and rate viral misinformation in more than 60 languages,” said Meta in its official announcement.“We notify people who try to share the content– or who previously shared it– that the information was rated by a fact-checker, and we add a warning label that links to the fact-checker’s article with more information about the claim,” said Meta.
With this collaboration, Meta now has 12 fact-checking partners in India, making it the country with the most third-party fact-checking partners globally across the platform.