Google Chrome Users Alert! Govt Warns Of This Critical Vulnerability

Google Chrome Users Alert! Govt Warns Of This Critical Vulnerability


Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Google Chrome, which could be exploited by a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (DoS) condition on the targeted system

It is pertinent to note that Google had already acknowledged the security vulnerability on March 5

The tech giant is now rolling out a new version of Google Chrome with a fix for the issue

The government’s cybersecurity watchdog Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has warned of a new security vulnerability that could put scores of Google Chrome users in India at risk of attack by hackers.

“Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Google Chrome, which could be exploited by a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (DoS) condition on the targeted system,” CERT-In said in a statement.

A remote attacker is an individual or entity attempting to compromise a system from a distance, without physical access to the targeted system. On the other hand, DOS is a type of cyber attack to disrupt or disable the normal functioning of a system, service or network. 

It is pertinent to note that Google had already acknowledged the security vulnerability on March 5. The tech giant is now rolling out a new version of Google Chrome with a fix for the issue. 

This comes close on the heels of a row erupted over Google’s AI chatbot Gemini’s answers to a question on Prime Minister Narendra Modi that led to an advisory mandating digital platforms to seek prior approval before launching any AI product in India. 

Moreover, with general elections just around the corner, Google has announced a list of initiatives, which include preventing the misuse of false information by helping voters navigate AI-generated content and safeguarding its platforms from abuse.

Earlier this month, Google also delisted prominent Indian apps from its Play Store but later reinstated them after intervention from the government.

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Google Chrome Users Alert! Govt Warns Of This Critical Vulnerability-Inc42 Media
Google Chrome Users Alert! Govt Warns Of This Critical Vulnerability-Inc42 Media
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