DroneAcharya Bags Order From Alter Dynamics


The project entails utlisation of drones for inspection of piles above water, catering to the stringent requirements of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company

The order will be executed within two weeks, DroneAcharya said in a statement

The startup said that this collaboration marks a much needed integration of advanced drone technology with conventional industries, particularly in offshore assets

Dronetech startup DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations has bagged a work order of INR 53 Lakh from Alter Dynamics & Artificial Intelligence.

The project entails utlisation of drones for inspection of piles above water, catering to the stringent requirements of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC).

The order will be executed within two weeks, the official statement read.

The startup said that this collaboration marks a much-needed integration of advanced drone technology with conventional industries, particularly in offshore assets. The deployment of drones equipped with high-resolution sensors promises a comprehensive, expedited, and intelligent inspection solution.

DroneAcharya’s founder and MD Prateek Srivastava said, “This milestone represents a significant entry into the relatively untapped drone survey market in the Middle East. Leveraging our extensive experience and domain expertise, we are poised to deliver professional, high- quality services to the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industries with unparalleled efficiency.”

Founded in 2017, DroneAcharya offers various drone solutions for multi-sensor drone surveys, pilot training, data processing and others.

In March, the company bagged an order from the Adani Group to provide Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) certified drone pilot training. Though the financial details remained undisclosed, the company said that the training will be given for mapping, monitoring, and inspection purposes within Adani Group’s diverse operations spanning energy, infrastructure, logistics, resources, and agribusiness.

In addition, this year, the company also signed a pact with Vimaan Aerospace to provide drones and drone-related training and services. The application will focus on agriculture sector, survey and surveillance, solar panel cleaning, windmill maintenance, facade cleaning, and defence. 

Amid the growing number of orders, in March, DroneAcharya’s shares recorded an upward tick by 5% on the BSE SME platform. The company bagged an order from the Ministry of Defence to supply IT hardware to set up a drone lab in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). 

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