Bansal was arrested by the Delhi Police’s Economic Offences Wing (EOW) a month back as part of its investigation in the alleged INR 82 Cr fraud at fintech unicorn BharatPe
The court emphasised the necessity of continuing Bansal's custodial interrogation as part of the ongoing investigation
Currently held in police remand at the EOW office in Mandir Marg, New Delhi, Bansal will be presented before the court on Monday
Delhi’s Saket district court has refused to grant bail to vendor Amit Kumar Bansal, who was arrested by the Delhi Police’s Economic Offences Wing (EOW) a month back as part of its investigation in the alleged INR 82 Cr fraud at fintech unicorn BharatPe.
“Without delving into the merits of the case at this stage, there is prima facie evidence linking the accused to the offences. Prima facie, it seems that the offence is serious in nature, involving an amount of at least INR 30 Cr,” as per the court’s order accessed by Inc42.