Dear Flipkart, When Will This Chutzpah End?

Hyderabad-based Chiluveri Srucharan ordered online for an Asus phone – Zenfone 5 from the ecommerce company but was surprised when he received a summer treat of two mangoes in place of a smartphone.

The transaction was made using his credit card, for the smartphone which was priced at INR 8,099 as it was a mega sale offer by Flipkart on May 26th. His order number was OD002947033911410000.

On June 8th at about 11:00 AM, when the product was delivered to him, instead of a smartphone he found two mangoes in the box delivered by FedEx – a global courier service delivery company. The stunned engineer said he brought the wrong delivery to the notice of some representatives of Flipkart by contacting its customer care service division the same day. He said: “I was informed that the amount will be refunded within 24 hours.”

flipkart mangoes

Srucharan, an electrical engineer, after receiving no refund from Flipkart, called up their customer service team again but was told that the cellphone would be shipped to his address within a day. When he called up customer service again after noticing that the amount was not refunded, Flipkart informed him “We would like to inform you that your recent replacement order has been cancelled as we have noticed an unwarranted return, which does not comply with our Returns Policy.”

Srucharan said “I have been getting varied answers whenever I complain about the wrong delivery. In a mail sent by representatives of the ecommerce company, they even threatened to block my order if I took this issue to the social media. I am planning to take help of a consumer forum if this problem is not addressed soon.”

It is high time for our ecommerce players to stop this Chutzpah!

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Dear Flipkart, When Will This Chutzpah End?-Inc42 Media
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