The round also saw participation from angels such as Blackbuck cofounders Rajesh Yabaji and Chanakya Hridaya, and Premji Invest partner Rajesh Ramaiah among others
The fresh funds raised will be utilised to expand production capacity and business development efforts of Log 9’s latest innovation -- rapid charging battery technology
ARBL's investment in Log 9 Materials is a part of the bold ‘Energy and Mobility’ strategy announced by the company in June this year
Battery tech startup Log 9 announced that it has raised $8.5 Mn led by an investment of $5 Mn from Amara Raja Batteries during its ongoing Series A funding round.
The round also saw participation from angels such as Blackbuck cofounders Rajesh Yabaji and Chanakya Hridaya; Premji Invest partner Rajesh Ramaiah; and Equinor managing director Desikan Sundarajan, among many others.