Cloud-based mobile content & communication delivery platform Tydy has raised $138k in angel funding on online platform LetsVenture. The round was led by Hareesh Ramana, MD of BORQS Software, Nikhil Ramanlal, director of Atandra and a YEO member, Bhupen Shah, an active angel investor and entrepreneur from Silicon Valley and a few others.
Based out in Bangalore Tydy was launched in October 2013 by Kiran Menon and Nikhil Gurjer with the intention of making mobile devices more pervasive in the global workforce.
Tydy is a tool that helps in the creation of integrated content using a series of templates, that can be shared by mobile users. One can add multipedia files, PDFs, and even forms to it. The app helps to seamlessly deliver content at all the platforms including Smartphones & tablets, iOS & Android, with one-click. Its proprietary alogrithm scales the content to maintain the same look across all device screens and platforms, all this without the need for any developer. It also has an integrated messaging system that allows user to communicate better with the workforce by sending broadcast messages, individual messages and much more.
The administrators of the account also receive insight into the usage and effectiveness of the content being delivered to the devices.
Few of Tydy’s clients include Puma, Zansaar, Firefly, Mantri Developers etc.
Founder Kiran had previously worked at Opera Software, spearheading their growth in India.
LetVenture was founded by Shanti Mohan who was earlier a senior executive at HP Labs along with two IITians, Manish Singhal and Sanjay Jha. Recently it raised Rs. 4 Cr. in seed funding from a syndicate of over 20 angel investors and institutional VCs including Eka Software cofounder Manav Garg, InMobi cofounder Naveen Tewari, angel investor and Google India MD Rajan Anandan and Sharad Sharma, cofounder of iSPIRIT, a software product industry think tank.
Startups that had earlier raised funding on LetsVenture include big data startup Frrole, BlueGape, CardBack, OnlineRTI among others.