Amazon To Give Shopping Recommendations Based On Photos

Amazon To Give Shopping Recommendations Based On Photos


Users will be able to access this feature by clicking on the camera icon in Amazon App

StyleSnap recommendations will consider brand, price range, and customer reviews

Amazon had earlier launched drone delivery and checkout-free Amazon Go stores

Last week at Amazon’s re:MARS conference, company has announced an AI-powered feature, StyleSnap to redefine the shopping experience for its users.

This new feature will allow users to simply upload a photograph or screenshot of a fashion look that they like and StyleSnap will fetch them recommendations for similar items from Amazon’s catalogue. User will be able to access the StyleSnap by clicking on the camera icon in the upper right hand corner of the Amazon App.

StyleSnap will also considers a variety of factors such as brand, price range, and customer reviews to giving apt recommendations to the users, the company said in a blog post.

”We are highly innovative and customer-obsessed, and we will continue to create new experiences for customers to discover the products they want and love. We are incredibly excited about StyleSnap and how it enables our customers to shop visually for Fashion on Amazon,” said Jeff Wilke, Amazon’s consumer worldwide CEO.

Amazon To Give Shopping Recommendations Based On Photos
Image Description: Steps to use StyleSnap on Amazon App, sourced from Amazon blog.

Amazon’s StyleSnap relies on computer vision and deep learning to identify apparel items in a photo. These technologies also help the system classify apparels in the image among categories such as ‘fit-and-flair dresses’ or ‘flannel shirts’.

Company claimed to have developed unique method called residual network to allow its system learn new concepts while also remembering things it has learned in the past – “this is critical for enabling StyleSnap to work through large volumes of data effectively,” company added.

StyleSnap will also helps fashion influencers to expand their communities. Further, Amazon Influencer Program participants will also be eligible to receive commissions for purchases they inspire through StyleSnap.

Speaking at re:MARS, Wilke said, “The simplicity of the customer experience belies the complexity of the technology behind it.”

Amazon Is Using AI To Transforming Shopping

Recently in April, Amazon had introduced one-day shipping guarantee on prime and estimated to invest approximately $800 Mn towards this program.

Later at re:MARS, company topped this with announcement of 30 minute drone delivery with its Amazon Air program.

Earlier, Amazon had introduced a checkout-free shopping experience with its Amazon Go retail stores. According to Amazon, its Just Walk Out Technology detects when products are taken from or returned to the shelves and keeps track of them in a virtual cart. Later, once the user has exited the offline store, company sends them a receipt and charge it on their Amazon account.

Company claimed to have used similar stack of technologies as used in self-driving cars, including computer vision, sensor fusion, and deep learning.

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Amazon To Give Shopping Recommendations Based On Photos-Inc42 Media
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